100% Solids, High Performance Safety Marking Epoxy
The LABPOX® SAFETY LINES is a 100% solids, two-component (3A:1B), VOC-free, and self-priming specialty epoxy designed for concrete floor safety zone and corridor marking. This product possesses mechanical and chemical properties best suited for commercial, industrial and institutional applications. Offered in a variety of bright colors (Safety Yellow, Safety Red, Safety Green, Safety Blue), its higher viscosity and opacity offers three (3) times the coverage of regular pre-tinted epoxy with minimum thickness in one single roll or brush application. The LABPOX® SAFETY LINES formulation is based on high-performance cycloaliphatic polyamine technology, displaying outstanding properties and delivering a superior aesthetic finish.
4-Gallon Kit = 3 x A (1 Gal) + 1 x B (1 Gal)