LABFAST® LO 85  is a low-odor, two-component (1A:1B) high solids polyaspartic coating, non-yellowing, commonly used with vinyl flakes. The colored LABFAST® LO 85  serves as the base coat, while the clear version used as a protective topcoat, both sharing a common hardener.

LABFAST® LO 85 offers three variations:

  1. LO 85-: Ultra-Fast Set
  2. LO 85+: Prolonged Working Time
  3. LO 85 XT: Extra Working Time

LABFAST® LO 85 provide optimal work time/cure time ratio. The short curing time, with a tack free in as low as 45 minutes*, allows the installation of a full floor system in one single day, with rapid return to service. The product displays excellent curing capability even at very low temperature levels. This product offers superior mechanical and chemical properties and is low maintenance. It also displays a superior aesthetic finish and excellent UV stability which makes it ideal for interior and exterior applications. We recommend the utilization of the LABTEC Vinyl Chips in combination with LABFAST®/LABSHIELD® ECO products. Two or three-coat systems can be considered.

*See respective TDS’s for more details.

2-Gallon Kit = 1 x A (1 Gal) + 1 x B (1 Gal)
10-Gallon Kit = 1 x A (5 Gal) + 1 x B (5 Gal)

Labsurface Labfast Low Odor Kit
+ Best-in-class polyaspartics
+ Exceptional working time to curing time ratio
+ Low-odor
+ Fast return to service
+ Full UV protection
+ Superior mechanical and chemical resistance properties


VOC Abrasion
ASTM D4060
(1000 cycles)
Delta E
85- 15 min 45 min 300 +/-50 169 g/l 30 mg  <2.0
85+ 25 min 1 h 15 300 +/-50 169 g/l 30 mg <2.0
85 XT 30 min 1 h 30 300 +/-50 212 g/l 30 mg <2.0

* 22°C / 72°F and 50% Rel. Hum.

Labsurface polyaspartic 2-coat system
Labsurface polyaspartic 3-coat system


Technical Data Sheets